
Showing posts from 2017

The Purpose for MMI Yoga

The Purpose This blog is for individuals going through their very personal yoga journey; so my blog is named ‘Me, Myself and I Yoga’ because everyone’s journey is individualistic and catered to oneself. My goal is to blog about my journey and communicate with others and their journeys. I am NOT an instructor.  I am going to let things happen with no expectation and hopefully, I will find my own spiritual connection within my practice and myself.  I am also attempting to create some sort of accountability for myself with respect to my practice. I am hoping my commitment to the practice will improve with dialogue with other like-minded individuals. This blog will not deal with religion. Religion has its own blog, so there you have it. Me, Myself and I Yoga! Will be an open discussion about our yoga experience/journey, with no pressure or grammar/spell check. I am an open-minded and happy individual. So, let’s do some yoga and talk about our class or non-class experiences (we c...